Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal PS4 Game Patches via Zarroboogs
Download: / GIT
Here are the details from the, as follows: PS4 Persona Patches
A set of patches for the PS4 Persona games.
- xdelta in PATH
- python
- A homebrew enabled PS4
- eboot.bin for the game you’d like to patch (must be dumped in ELF format or converted to it from a fake signed ELF, e.g. using ps4_unfself (GIT)
Clone or download this repository, then use to apply patches: [-h] [--patch [PATCH]] path_in [path_out]
positional arguments:
path_in path to game eboot (in ELF format)
path_out path to patched game eboot
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--patch [PATCH] patch ids to apply
Listing Available Patches
python .\ .\eboot.bin
Example output:
Found Persona 5 Royal US CUSA17416 0102
Available patches:
0505 PS4 FW 5.05 Backport
all_dlc Content Enabler
intro_skip Intro Skip
mod_support Mod Support
no_trp Disable Trophies
p5_save P5 Save Bonus Enabler
square Global Square Menu
env ENV Test
zzz Random Tests
Applying Patches
python .\ .\eboot.bin --patch 0505 all_dlc intro_skip mod_support no_trp p5_save square
Example output:
Found Persona 5 Royal US CUSA17416 0102
Applying patches...
Applied 0505 all_dlc intro_skip mod_support no_trp p5_save square
Available Patches
Persona 5 (PS4)
Tested on CUSA06638 (EU v1.00). Requires a custom v1.01 patch (see below).
- Content Enabler – Enables on-disc content
- Intro Skip – Skips boot logos and intro movie
- Mod Support – File replacement via a mod.cpk file
- Disable Trophies – Prevents the game from unlocking trophies
- Global Square Menu – Enables the square menu globally (e.g. in Velvet Room or during events or game sections which disable it)
- ENV Tests – Maps all env/env*.ENV to env/env0000_000_000.ENV
- Random Tests
- Maps all field/qr/*.dds to field/qr/ (file doesn’t exist by default)
- Maps all test/zeal_tex/*.dds to test/zeal_tex/ (file doesn’t exist by default)
Persona 5 Royal
Tested on CUSA17416 (US v1.02).
- PS4 FW 5.05 Backport
- Content Enabler – Enables on-disc content
- Intro Skip – Skips boot logos and intro movie (can still be viewed in Thieves Den)
- Mod Support – File replacement via a mod.cpk file
- Disable Trophies – Prevents the game from unlocking trophies
- P5 Save Bonus Enabler – Enables P5 save bonus without P5 saves present on system
- Global Square Menu – Enables the square menu globally (e.g. in Thieves Den and in Velvet Room or during events or game sections which disable it)
- ENV Tests – Maps all env/env*.ENV to env/env0000_000_000.ENV
- Random Tests
- Maps all field/qr/*.dds to field/qr/ (file doesn’t exist by default)
- Maps all test/zeal_tex/*.dds to test/zeal_tex/ (file doesn’t exist by default)
Building a Custom Persona 5 (PS4) Patch
- Dump the following files from your copy of Persona 5:
sce_sys/npbind.dat sce_sys/nptitle.dat eboot.bin
Place npbind.dat and nptitle.dat in the provided patch/sce_sys/ directory.
- Apply the patches you’d like to use to eboot.bin.
Note that the mod support patch is required for loading mod.cpk.
Place the patched eboot.bin in the provided patch/USRDIR/ directory.
- Package the mods you’d like to use into a mod.cpk file using your preferred method.
Place mod.cpk in the patch/USRDIR/ directory (an empty dummy mod.cpk is provided in the patch directory, replace it with your own).
- Edit patch.gp4 and set app_path to point to your base Persona 5 package.
- Check that your final patch/ directory structure matches the following listing:
patch/sce_sys/changeinfo/changeinfo.xml patch/sce_sys/npbind.dat patch/sce_sys/nptitle.dat patch/sce_sys/param.sfo patch/USRDIR/mod.cpk patch/eboot.bin patch.gp4
- Build the patch package with your preferred tool, install it and boot the game.