PS4: Mast1c0re support added for Firmware 10.70
If you’ve updated your PS4 to Firmware 10.70, rejoice! Playing homebrew on your console is possible thanks to the Mast1c0re hack. Although the capabilities of the hack are somewhat limited, this is the best thing you can do on a non-Jailbreakable firmware. Mast1c0re lets you run, among other things, PS2 Homebrew and PS2 ISOs on your PS4.
Mast1c0re PS4 hack updated to PS4 Firmware 10.70
Developer McCaulay has updated the offsets of the Mast1c0re exploit, to make it compatible with firmware 10.70. It is believed that Mast1c0re is “unpatchable”, or, rather, that Sony have shown no interest in patching it, possibly because the hack is fairly limited. As such, making it compatible with new firmwares, in particular on the PS4, is fairly easy as long as hackers can find the matching function offsets. The Mast1c0re hack is also available on PS5, but making it compatible with higher firmwares on Sony’s latest console has proven to be more difficult, because of lack of access to decrypted firmwares.
Download and use Mast1c0re for PS4 10.70
Mast1c0re requires you to purchase and install the game Okage on your PS4 (it is a PS2 game that you can purchase on the PSN). Remember that what you can do with the hack is fairly limited, so think carefully about purchasing that game if money is tight.
Additional links (these were submitted by McCaulay):
- Mast1c0re updated to 10.70 (Mast1c0re 0.1.1)
- PS2 Network ELF Loader with 10.70 support (ELF loader 0.1.5)
- PS2 Network Game Loader 0.1.4 (10.70 Support)
- USB ELF Loader 0.1.1
- USB Game Loader 0.1.1
Source: McCaulay