Hello World PS4 PKG Example by Al Azif for Homebrew Developers

Proceeding the previously released Hello World Test App PS4 PKG and Hello World GameMaker PS4 PKG, PlayStation 4 developer @Al Azif recently shared a Hello World PS4 PKG example on Twitter demonstrating how with the OpenOrbis PS4 Toolchain homebrew packages can be built automatically by adding only a few lines of code. 🤓

To quote from the Tweets below on this handy tip for PS4 homebrew creators and developers:

Add 3-5 lines to Github workflow and it can automatically build your homebrew package for you without you actually needing to install the ***. You can use this for various things like to check to make sure changes are valid before accepting them or for generating releases.

As you can see from the PKG link generated by GitHub here:

Download: IV0000-BREW00083_00-HELLOWORLD000000.pkg.zip (5.77 MB – includes IV0000-BREW00083_00-HELLOWORLD000000.pkg (6.31 MB)) / GIT

And from the README.md: Hello World!

This is a repo to demonstrate the Open Orbis Toolchain Action

You can view the workflow file here and view the completed actions with their output here.

From build.yml:

name: build


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Run Open Orbis Toolchain
        uses: OpenOrbis/toolchain-action@main
          version: latest
          command: cd hello_world; make; PkgTool.Core pkg_build pkg/pkg.gp4 .

      - name: Upload Artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: IV0000-BREW00083_00-HELLOWORLD000000.pkg
          path: hello_world/IV0000-BREW00083_00-HELLOWORLD000000.pkg


:fire: And here’s some Tweets from Sleirsgoevy this past weekend also:

Hello World PS4 PKG Example by Al Azif for Homebrew Developers.jpg