HashToMagnet Based on Hash2Magnet Tool for Reviving Dead Torrents

As the PS4 Scene awaits the Exploiting a WebKit 0-day in PlayStation 4 presentation this Thursday, December 10th from 10:20am-11:00am I’ve been busy pursuing my Plex Media Server project to stream TV Shows and Movies (although I’m planning to give Jellyfin a try soon, as Plex developers refuse to remove the ‘Recommended’ tab despite significant community interest with genuine reasoning backing it up). 😑

But I digress, the purpose of this article is primarily to discuss any alternatives to HashToMagnet.xyz (formerly Hash2Magnet.com by TorrentSnow, based on the Hash2Magnet Tool for reviving dead torrents).

While there are countless BitTorrent Info Hash (BTIH) to Magnet Converters / Generators including those HEREHEREHERE and HERE and Torrent Cache Services including those HEREHERE and HERE alongside a lengthy list of Open Trackers for Publicly Tracked Torrent Indexes and Search Engines such as HEREHEREHEREHERE and DHT Search Engines like the one HERE… none of them I’ve ran across does what the HashToMagnet / Hash2Magnet online converter did. 😕

To quote from sizzlingkenny‘s simple summary of the now defunct tool: “it is now providing quick magnet generate via hash key and giving current seed + leech + completed list of the given info hash, its quite useful tool.”

Essentially it searches hundreds of trackers to help revive dead torrents by including active seeds in the results, and from their (now dead) page description to quote:

Hash to Magnet is a tool to convert torrent hash into quick and fast magnet links as well as to get current connected seed, leech, completed status for the given info_hash, because our tool scans dozens of trackers which respond to your given torrent hash and it adds only working trackers to your torrents and removes the dead trackers to boost the torrent downloading speed.

H2Magnet is an online converter, you just need to search any valid torrent hash code by selecting one of the two options and that’s all your torrent magnet link will be ready instantly.

That said, if anyone has feedback on either the Jellyfin experience in comparison to Plex or a decent alternative for the HashToMagnet Tool feel free to share with us in the comments below! :lovewins:

HashToMagnet Based on Hash2Magnet Tool for Reviving Dead Torrents.png