PS5TrophyExtract0r: Extract PS5 Game Trophy00.ucp NpTrophy v2 Data Files

Proceeding the PS5Prxy Server App and recent PS4 Trophy Unlocker release, PlayStation 5 Scene developer KuromeSan (aka @SilicaAndPina and formerly SilicaAndPina and siliccan on Twitter) made available PS5TrophyExtract0r V1.0 to extract PS5 game decrypted NpTrophy v2 data files including Trophy00.ucp and uds00.ucp for examination. :geek:

Download: PS5TrophyExtract0r.exe / GIT

From the and release notes: PS5TrophyExtract0r

Extracts NpTrophy v2 data files (trophy00.ucp) for PlayStation 5 games.

Can extract (decrypted) trophy00.ucp from PS5 Games

Also works on uds.ucp


  • Thanks to Unity3D for leaking trophy data files lul
  • Thanks to me (SilicaAndPina) for working out the format.

Example .ucp files:

Technical information: Trophy00.ucp

PS5 uses a new ‘NpTrophy V2’, with a new trophy pack file to go along with it, previously on PS4/3/Vita they used “TRP” which contained PNG’s and XML data, it still contains PNG, but now uses JSON to define trophies instead.

  • uds00.ucp uses the exact same format!

Data Structure

offset type description
0x00 int32 Magic Number
0x04 int32 version
0x13 int32 Number of Files
0x17 int32 Location of Table of Contents
0x20 char[0x10] HMAC?

Table of Contents

Here I assume the TOC is at 0x40, because that’s where it is in my sample of trophy00.ucp but technically it can be anywhere:

offset type description
0x40 char[0x10] Reserved? (only on first entry)
0x50 char[0x10] Reserved2
0x60 char[0x20] File Name
0x80 int64 (BIG ENDAIN) File Location (Absolute)
0x88 int64 (BIG ENDAIN) File Size
0x90 char[0x10] Reserved3

Contributors: SilicaAndPina

PS5TrophyExtract0r Extract PS5 Game Trophy00.ucp NpTrophy v2 Data Files.jpg