FHeroes2 port for PS Vita 0.9.2

FHeroes2 port for PS Vita
by Northfear


FHeroes2 port for PS Vita was created by Northfear, and is a Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine.​


  • [November 4th, 2020]

    Like usual there’s ton of updates from fheroes2 guys:


    As for Vita-specific stuff, performance was greatly improved this release and game is fully playable with native Vita resolution now (~30+ FPS on world map for me). You can click on the left door in the main menu to change the resolution).

    VPK file and all of the instruction are on projects GitHub page:


    VitaDB should be updated later. Hopefully files from demo version and some additional maps could be downloaded there too, so at this point non-expansion maps should be playable without any additional content (but GoG version does have expansion data, lots of maps, cinematics and beautiful music, that’s 100% worth it).

    Guys from upstream were changing music folders again since 0.8.1, so ogg files should be placed inside “ux0:data/fheroes2/music/” now (in case you’re having any problems with music playback since last release.

    [September 9th, 2020]

    I’ve updated my port of fheroes2 to current version (original version is abandoned, but there’s a new one with pretty active development).

    Changelog is massive..

    As for Vita port, I’ve added:

    • Support for text input (tents with passwords should be functional now)
    • Proper fullscreen support with bilinear filtering and centering of game area (with fullscreen option disabled).

    You can download VPK and data files with demo version from VitaDB:

    All of the instructions are on the project’s GitHub page:

    And here’s a few map packs to keep you busy (most of them should work with files from demo version, but some require expansion (GoG version works nicely here)):
