Vita release: vita-bootanim by SKGleba. Play a custom animation when booting your PS Vita

Vita scene developer SKGleba has released vita-bootanim, which lets you play a custom animation during Playstation Vita’s boot process. This will be perfect for those of you who like to customize your overall gaming experience.

vita-bootanim features

  • bootanimations plugin for enso
  • convert gifs to rcf using the tool in /pc/ (linux-only atm)
    • ImageMagick and gzip required
    • run “mkanim -help” to get the list of available commands
    • max animation size: 108MiB
    • put boot.rcf in ur0:tai/
  • faulty animations can be skipped by holding LTrigger
    • try setting a lower priority and optimizing the animation
  • you can configure the boot animation in “settings->theme & background”
  • Tested on firmware 3.65, should work on enso 3.60-3.73

Download vita-bootanim

You can download vita-bootanim from the developer’s github here.

The developer notes that settings might need to be tweaked depending on the video you’re trying to use for the boot. Try to find the settings that work for you!


Note that your Vita needs to be hacked in order to run this plugin.

Source: SKGleba