[PSX Scene] Tonyhax v1.4.5 released

A new update has been released for Tonyhax (not to be confused with Tonyhax International ), the  PSOne console and backup loader softmod exploiting an exploit within game saves from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and other titles.


To install this exploit, a means of copying the required save files onto a PS1 memory card is required. For this, there are essentially two options at the moment:

  • Use another modified console, such as a PS2 with Free McBoot and uLaunchELF, to copy the save files to the memory card. For that, you need to use save files .raw, making sure you don’t rename them.
  • Use a PC-based memory card editor, such as:
  • The official memory card adapter for PS3 (product number CECHZM1J) and PS1 memory card manager from OrionSoft .
  • DexDrive .

Note: MCS files are recommended, as they are easier to import and do not require manual configuration of filename, region, etc…

All you have to do is simply copy the save file created by the game and the tonyhax SPL file into the memory card, that’s all.

Once installed, you can freely copy it to other cards using the PS1 and memory card management menu, and distribute it freely among friends.

Note: Saves assume that the file BESLEM-99999TONYHAXis in the first slot of the memory card. It will not work if the memory card is inserted into the second card slot.

Game saves

Game Region Code MCS files Raw files
tonyhax SPL required tonyhax.mcs BESLEM-99999TONYHAX
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling NTSC-U SLUS-00571 brunswick1-us.mcs BASLUS-00571
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling PAL-E SLES-01376 brunswick1-eu.mcs BESLES-01376
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 NTSC-U SLUS-00856 brunswick2-us.mcs BASLUS-00856
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 PAL-E SLES-02618 brunswick2-eu.mcs BESLES-02618
Cool Boarders 4 NTSC-U SCUS-94559 coolbrd4-us.mcs BASCUS-9455916
Cool Boarders 4 PAL-E SCES-02283 coolbrd4-eu.mcs BESCES-0228316
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back NTSC-U SCUS-94154 crash2-us.mcs BASCUS-9415400047975
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back PAL-E SCES-00967 crash2-eu.mcs BESCES-0096700765150
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped NTSC-U SCUS-94244 crash3-us.mcs BASCUS-9424400000000
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped PAL-E SCES-01420 crash3-eu.mcs BESCES-0142000000000
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 NTSC-U SLUS-01066 thps2-us.mcs BASLUS-01066TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 PAL-E SLES-02908 thps2-eu.mcs BESLES-02908TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 PAL-DE SLES-02910 thps2-de.mcs BESLES-02910TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 PAL-FR SLES-02909 thps2-fr.mcs BESLES-02909TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 NTSC-U SLUS-01419 thps3-us.mcs BASLUS-01419TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 PAL-E SLES-03645 thps3-eu.mcs BESLES-03645TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 PAL-DE SLES-03647 thps3-de.mcs BESLES-03647TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 PAL-FR SLES-03646 thps3-fr.mcs BESLES-03646TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 NTSC-U SLUS-01485 thps4-us.mcs BASLUS-01485TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 PAL-E SLES-03954 thps4-eu.mcs BESLES-03954TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 PAL-DE SLES-03955 thps4-de.mcs BESLES-03955TNHXG01
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 PAL-FR SLES-03956 thps4-fr.mcs BESLES-03956TNHXG01

The following games were previously thought to fully support Tonyhax but behave erratically on real hardware ( issue #22 on GitHub):

Game Region Code MCS files Raw files
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing NTSC-U SLUS-00882 castrolsb-us.mcs BASLUS-00882CHSv1
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing PAL-E SLES-01182 castrolsb-eu.mcs BESLES_01182CHSv1
Castrol Honda VTR PAL-E SLES-02942 castrolvtr-eu.mcs BESLES-02942CHSVTRv1
Sports Superbikes PAL-E SLES-03057 superbike1-eu.mcs BESLES-03057SSBv1
Sports Superbike 2 PAL-E SLES-03827 superbike2-eu.mcs BESLES-03827SSII
XS Moto NTSC-U SLUS-01506 xsmoto-us.mcs BASLUS-01506XSMOTOv1
XS Moto PAL-E SLES-04095 xsmoto-eu.mcs BESLES-04095XSMOTO


Cool Boarders 4

Supported since version 1.2.

  1. Start the game. It should say that the records and settings have been loaded automatically.
  2. Click on “ONE PLAYER”.

The exploit should then launch.

Crash Bandicoot

Supported since version 1.2.

  1. Start the game.
  2. From the title menu, choose LOAD GAME.
  3. In the save list, select “TONYHAX” and press .

The exploit should then launch.

Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling

Supported since version 1.1.

  1. Start the game as you normally would.
  2. In the main menu, select “LOAD GAME”.
  3. Select “MEMORY CARD 1”.

After about three seconds Tonyhax should be running.

For Castrol Honda Superbike Racing and Sports Superbike 1

Supported since version 1.2.

  1. On the language selection screen, if prompted, select the English language.
  2. Access the Memory Card menu.
  3. Load game from memory card. Click Accept when the upload is complete.
  4. In the main menu, select “Race”.
  5. Click on “Single tender”.

The exploit should then launch.

For Castrol Honda VTR, Sports Superbike 2 and XS Moto

Supported since version 1.2.

  1. If you are using the European version, select English on the language selection screen.
  2. From the main menu, choose Options.
  3. Select Load game and choose the memory card where your save is stored.
  4. Returning to the main menu, click on “Single Race” or “Championship”.

The exploit should then run.

For Tonyhawk games

  1. Start the game as you normally would.
  2. At the main menu, wait for the save file to load automatically (it should say “Loading TONYHAX EU/US/DE/FR”, depending on the region of the game).
  3. When finished, choose the “CREATE SKATER” menu and press .

After a couple of seconds, Tonyhax should launch.

During the launch of the exploit, from version 1.1.2 the screen will flash with different colors depending on the phase it is in:

  • Purple: Memory cards are being reinitialized. This only happens on Brunswick games, as THPS doesn’t require it.
  • Blue: The SPL is being loaded from the memory card into main memory.
  • Green: The SPL has finished loading and will run immediately. The SPL immediately reinitializes the screen, so this color should be barely visible.
  • Red: Indicates a fatal error occurred while loading the SPL. For example: the file is not on the first memory card, the file name is incorrect, or for some other reason.

The console shouldn’t take more than a couple of seconds with each color. If it spends more time (especially with green screen), it probably crashed. Please report it.


  • Every PAL console.
  • Every NTSC-U console except the very first model SCPH-1000.
  • Any PlayStation 2 PAL and NTSC-U console with model number SCPH-39xxx or lower.
  • NetYaroze console.

However, this won’t work with:

  • NTSC-J Japanese consoles (CD unlock locked).
  • NTSC-U console SCPH-1000 (BIOS predates the introduction of the CD unlock command).
  • PlayStation 2 console with model number SCPH-50000 or newer (this revision replaced the disc controller and removed the rear door).

These consoles may be able to boot the exploit, but the CD patch that allows booting from burned media will not work.


  • Improved anti-piracy patches, which fix:
    • Shiritsu Justice Gakuen – Legion of Heroes (J) (SLPS-01240), issue #105
    • Shiritsu Justice Gakuen (U) (SLPS-02120), issue #105 and  #135
    • King’s Field (J) (SLPS-00017), issue #113
    • King’s Field (U) (SLUS-00158), issue #113
    • Rival Schools (U) (SLUS-00681), issue #135
  • Enable debug TTY for gaming if SCN2681 UART is available.
  • Introduced the SoftUART compile-time option.

Download: Tonyhax v1.4.5

Download: Source code Tonyhax v1.4.5

Source¹: orca.pet

Source²: github.com