[PS Vita Scene] Sleepwalker’s Journey Vita v1.1 released

Published a first update for Sleepwalker’s Journey Vita , the very nice puzzle game sees a little owl affected by sleepwalking intent on reaching his bed.


Meet sleepy Moonboy pushed out of bed by a big moon sneeze, and sleepwalk through dreams. Moonboy needs your help to reach his bed.


Guide him safely through various traps, remove obstacles from his path and move his surroundings to create a safe passage to the cozy bed.

Solve environmental puzzles in a fantasy world, find multiple paths through the game and collect stars and crescents to experience the beauty of the fairytale atmosphere of Sleepwalker’s Journey.

You are Moonboy’s sole guardian and your imagination is the key to shaping the dream as you lead the boy to his beloved bed. You are the creator of dreams.


To successfully install the game, you will need to follow these steps exactly:

  • Install the  kubridge  and  FdFix plugins  by copying the  kubridge.skprx e  files fd_fix.skprx into the folder containing the taiHEN plugins (usually  ux0:tai) and adding two entries to the file  config.txt below  *KERNEL:



Note: Do not install the plugin  fd_fix.skprxif you are already using the repatch plugin.



  • Optional : Install  PSVshell  to overclock your device to 500Mhz.
  • Install  libshacccg.suprx, if you haven’t already, by following  this guide .
  • Legally obtaining a copy of Anomaly: Korea  for Android in the form of a file .apkand a .obbYou can get all the required files directly from your phone  or by using an apk extractor which you can find in the play store. The apk can be extracted with the Zip extractor of your choice (ex: WinZip, WinRar, etc…) as the apk is basically a zip file. You can rename  .apk to  .zip to open them with the default zip extractor.
  • Extract the file libAndroidGame.sofrom the directory lib/armeabito  ux0:data/sleepwalkers.
  • .obbFinally, place the renamed file in main.obbthe ux0:data/sleepwalkers.

Download: Sleepwalker’s Journey Life v1.0

Download: Source code Sleepwalker’s Journey Life v1.0

Source: twitter.com