[PS4 Scene] Icon Mask v1.10 released

Published a new update of  Icon Mask , the app developed by the developer Lapy allows us to change the appearance of the icons on the dashboard of the PlayStation 4 console .



Icon masks, like their name, mask around all existing game and app icons creating a uniform look without the need to modify an icon pack, so no further requests are ever needed.


This new update, which contains a fix, follows a previous update which only introduces 4 new masks designed by @Anubis_Qz and improves their code.

The build can be downloaded from the pkg-zone.com portal , both from PC and from the PlayStation 4 console through the HB Store.

Changelog v1.09

  • 4 new masks from @Anubis_Qz .
  • Improved the code.
  • Fixed the transparency of the “What’s New” icon. v1.10

Download: Icon Mask v1.10

Source: twitter.com