[PS Vita scene] AutoPlugin II v2.04 released

Available a new update for AutoPlugin II , the application originally developed by theheroGAC allows us to download and install plugins for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV from the network.



The update only reintroduces the Nearest Neighbor plugin as well as adding the MikuAR plugin and updating the Vixen plugin .

Optional settings

  • Update plugins online.
  • Update languages ​​online.
  • You can now check the file readme.txtonline for most of the included plugins.
  • Download/install ITLS-Enso and Battery fixer (vpk).
  • Set a custom image (custom splash screen required).
  • Set a custom alert message (custom alert required).
  • Set Transparent Level (Transparent Impose is required).

Small note for the Splash image

To load a custom image on startup, the image must be .pngsized at 960X544 and renamed to splash.png, it must be placed in the path ux0:CustomBootsplash/splash.png.

Small note for translating languages ​​using non-standard characters

Download the file font.pgf(here https://github.com/ONElua/Autoplugin2/blob/master/font/font.pgf ) and put it in the path ux0:data/Autoplugin2/font(if the font folder doesn’t exist, create it).

This fixes missing non-standard characters not found in the English character set. Those will show as “_” instead of the unusual letter.


Note: The file size bg.mp3must be less than 20MB.



  • New Vita Nearest Neighbor plugin by MuxaJlbl4
  • Added Avellea MikuAR v1.0 plugin
  • Vixen plugin v1.4 updated by isage

Download: AutoPlugin II v2.04

Download: Source code AutoPlugin II v2.04

Source: github.com