Released shadPS4, a new PlayStation 4 console emulator for Windows PCs

It takes the name of shadPS4 , the new PlayStation 4 console emulator for Windows PC developed by georgemoralis , better known on the scene as a shadow ,  founder and programmer of many emulation projects such as  PCSX , PCSX2 , PCSP and many others.


Currently the emulator can only load PS4 ELF files, limiting the supported features. The project is still in an early stage and will take some time to achieve adequate performance. However, the developer is making small regular commits to improve the project.


To build the emulator, you need to use Visual Studio 2022 and the cmake files. The project welcomes contributions and suggestions from the community. Future developments are planned, such as PKG extractor and an initial GUI using imgui, SDL3 and Vulkan.

If you are interested in discussing the emulator and contributing, you can join the Discord server dedicated to the project. Despite the current limitations, ShadPS4 shows promise and potential in the field of emulation of the PlayStation 4 console on Windows PC.

Download: Source code shadPS4
