PS5 7.60 and PS4 10.70 released (do not update)


Sony just released PS5 Firmware 7.60 and PS4 Firmware 10.70. Simultaneous updates for the two consoles are getting rare nowadays, and this could hint at a significant security issue being patched under the hood. As always, if you’re hoping for a Jailbreak either for your PS5 or PS4 in the future, we generally advise against updating.

PS5 23.01-07.60.00 – What’s new

The official changelog for this new firmware update is, as always, minimal. Specifically, from the official changelog:

Version: 23.01-07.60.00

  • This system software update improves system performance.

The previous update was 7.40, back in June 2023. (Wait, where did 7.50 go?)

Of course, there’s a possibility more has been changed under the hood, but we won’t know until hackers get a look. This is where PS4’s Firmware update can be worth looking into, as it’s always interesting when the two consoles get a simultaneous update.

PS4 10.70 – What’s new

Same story for the PS4 as the PS5, the official update notes are minimal. This is what the official changelog has to say:

Version 10.70

  • This system software update improves system performance.

As of now, 10.70 isn’t a forced update (in other words, you can still play online with the previous firmware). The previous update, 10.50, was quite some time ago, back in March, along with PS5 7.00. It might be that we won’t be getting “independent” PS4 Firmware updates in the future, and that those update hints at some PS5/PS4 shared functionality or network system updates (for example PSN related)

Zecoxao reports that the following libraries have been updated on PS4:

  • SceShellCore.elf
  • orbis-jsc-compiler.self
  • libSceWebKit2Secure.sprx
  • libSceWebKit2.sprx
  • libScePrecompiledShaders.sprx
  • libScePigletv2VSH.sprx
  • libSceOrbisCompat.sprx
  • libSceJscCompiler.sprx
  • libSceJitBridge.sprx
  • libSceFont.sprx
  • libSceCesCs.sprx

Webkit in the list of course gets our attention (Webkit is often a prime target for usermode exploits on the console), but the actual changes need to be looked into before anything conclusive can be said. The Kernel hasn’t changed, still according to Zecoxao.

PS5/PS4 – Should you update?

As always, if your goal is to jailbreak your console, you should simply not update. The recent history of PlayStation hacking tells us so: people who keep their console up to date do not get the Jailbreaks.

There hasn’t been any significant rumor or announce related to a PS4 or PS5 Jailbreak in a while, with Firmware 9.00 for PS4 being the latest and greatest that can be Jailbroken, and PS5 still technically not being fully Jailbroken on any firmware, although firmwares up to 4.51 included do have access to a Kernel exploit ( which isn’t sufficient nowadays for a full Jailbreak).

However we know historically that the lower your firmware, the higher your chances of getting a Jailbroken console in the future.

As always, the decision is yours, but updating, in general, lowers your chances of getting a Jailbreak down the line

In an ideal world, you would have 2 consoles: one that you keep on a low firmware for a Jailbreak (or buy a low firmware one if you can find it – tips for finding a low firmware PS5 /PS4), and one that you keep up to date in order to play your current gen games and access PlayStation online services. I know it’s easier said than done, but that’s how things are.