PS4 Syscon Tools updated to 1.5, adds Teensy 4.1 support, enhanced block write method, autoconnect, & more


Developers Abkarino and EgyCnq have updated PS4 Syscon Tools, a tool that will help with repair/modding/”downgrading” of PS4, to version 1.5. This update brings a massive amount of changes, in particular a new version of the flasher software to be used on the glitching microcontroller, which supports more models (Teensy 4.1 in particular). The developers consider this release to be enhanced and to use a more secure block write method.

As the name implies, PS4 Syscon Tool intends to be a swiss army knife for backup and modification of the Syscon chip on the PS4. That chip is critical in particular for repairs of bad firmware updates, as it holds information on how to revert to a previously installed firmware.

What is PS4 Syscon Tools

PS4 Syscon Tools is a free tool to dump/edit the PS4 Syscon. PS4 Syscon Tool is developed by Abkarino and EgyCnq.

Combined with a Teensy 2++ (or other compatible microcontroller) and above-average soldering skills (you need physical access to the Syscon chip), PS4 Syscon Tools lets you do the following:

Other tools such as BWE’s Syscon Writer offer similar functionality, but BWE’s licenses are not technically free: a license for Syscon Writer software comes with BWE’s proprietary Syscon Writer hardware. In this case, a Teensy2++ is used instead of BWE’s hardware offering.

From their Readme:

PS4 Syscon Tools is a free solution (software & hardware) that allow you to manipulate original PlayStation 4 Syscon chip (Renesas RL78/G13). It consists of 2 projects:

  • PS4 Syscon Tools (PC client to allow you to control your PS4 Syscon Flasher hardware).
  • PS4 Syscon Flasher (Hardware flasher based currently on Teensy++ 2.0).


  • Syscon Flash Dumps:
    • Full (<50 sec).
    • Partial (dump any specific block or block range).
    • NVS/SNVS only.
      Note : the read process here not use the infinty loop method that continue to dump the whole memory content and pass it to TOOL0 like some other tools we use more effecient way that can read immediately any block you want.
  • Syscon Flash Write:
    • Full (<1.5 min).
    • Partial (write any specific block or block range).
    • NVS/SNVS only.
  • Syscon Flash Erase:
    • Full (<4.3 sec).
    • Partial (erase any specific block or block range).
  • Enable Syscon Debug mode:
      • Allow you to only connect 3 wires to read/write your syscon by enabling OCD flag.

  • Get Syscon Firmware Dump Info:
    • Allow you to validate your syscon dump and get its firmware info (version, hash, debug mode status, magic validation).

PS4 Syscon Tool – What’s new in 1.5

From the changelog:

PS4 Syscon Tools v1.5 change log:

    • Add support for newer PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware v2.00.
    • Add an auto connect mode option to allow auto connection to PS4 Syscon Flasher hardware at application launch time.
    • Add new option to enable erase functions (now all erase functions are disabled by default).
  • Add new option to auto patch debug mode if it is not enabled.
  • Add new function to get Syscon dump info by read and validate syscon firmware part (nvs/snvs data will follow).
  • Add new write method that is safer and faster than old method (we will auto erase block before writing data to it if it is not a blank block, ,thanks to check blank feature that was added to our flasher firmware).
  • Add automatic verify function after writing to syscon.
  • Add function to ask user to patch debug mode if it is not patched in the current selected syscon dump to be written.
  • Add support to show PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware version on status bar.
  • Add about info.
  • Code clean up.
  • Project restructure.

PS4 Syscon Flasher v2.00 change log:

  • Add new enhanced and safer write block method, that minimize the risk specially when handle Boot0 blocks (block 0 to block 3).
  • Add method to check if block is blank or not.
  • Add method to get chip info.
  • Add support for Teensy 4.1.
  • Code clean up.

PS4 Syscon Tool Download

You can Download Syscon Tools here

More details in the readme

Source: Abkarino