PS3Lock 0.92: System Update Block for 4.81 CFW Added

PS3 Developer MixeryMaxe has updated PS3Lock plugin to v 0.92 adding support for “System Update Block” for CFW 4.81 user’s . While other features of PS3Lock work fine on 4.81 CFW, the System Update Block needs updated with each firmware update . This plugin is a great concept and is recommended if you need to protect your CFW enabled PlayStation 3 from unauthorized access.

* Note that the System Update Block does not work in Recovery Mode, only blocked in settings on the XMB and PSN Alerts.​


Ps3lock setting.jpg
Checkout this thread to view additional PS3 Application & Custom Firmware updated to support 4.81


  • i have update PS3lock to version 0.92.

    Changelog PS3Lock v0.92:

    • added system update block for CFW 4.81 (thx to ermak86)

Download: PS3Lock (v0.92)