“The Power Supply”: A developer interview series (interview archive)


PSX-Place.com Presents: The Power Supply, a new series of interviews that will feature some of the iconic developer’s & inspiring newcomers powering the scene from past and present within the homebrew community. These devs have provided the power for your favorite projects on your PS4 / PS3 / PS2 / PS1 / PS Vita (tv) / PSP platform(s). We have a variety of developer’s with many different backgrounds we will be interviewing. In some of those interviews we will be highlighting a bit about past projects, personal development journeys, future development and some developer perspectives and insight are just some of the factors covered in these interviews with also of course a bit of fun mixed in as well. This page will stay as a Sticky in “The Power Supply” sub-forum . Where an archive of interviews will be placed as well as a catalog that will be listed below of all past interviews conducted..


Interviews will be conducted by @Roxanne and @STLcardsWS