[Scena PS5] Rilasciato PS5 BD-JB ELF Loader v1.3

Published a new update for PS5 BD-JB ELF Loader , the ISO exploits vulnerabilities discovered in the BD-J layer of firmware 4.51 and earlier versions of the PlayStation 5 console .

The peculiarity of this exploit is that it can be performed completely offline (intranet) as long as you have a PlayStation 5 console equipped with an optical reader.


This new release reflects the latest changes implemented only recently in the PS5 Payload SDK . From the link on Mega hosting it is still possible to download other projects and payloads.


On Debian-based operating systems, you can run the following commands to install dependencies and compile source code.

john@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libbsd-dev git pkg-config openjdk-8-jdk-headless
john@localhost:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/john-tornblom/bdj-sdk
john@localhost:~$ ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 bdj-sdk/host/jdk
john@localhost:~$ make -C bdj-sdk/host/src/makefs_termux
john@localhost:~$ make -C bdj-sdk/host/src/makefs_termux install DESTDIR=$PWD/bdj-sdk/host
john@localhost:~$ make -C bdj-sdk/target

Usage example

john@localhost:~$ make -C bdj-sdk/samples/helloworld

If everything was created correctly, you will find a BD-RE iso file bdj-sdk/samples/helloworld/helloworld.iso

If you are looking for a good Blu-Ray burner compatible with the  PlayStation 4  and  PlayStation 5 console player , you might consider purchasing the  Hitachi-LG BU40N model  as also recommended by the psdevwiki portal.

This 9.5-inch Blu-Ray burner can be mounted on a medium-high-end notebook. It also supports all BDXL discs read/write with high speed SATA connection.

The cost of this little gem at the moment would  be around 85 euros on Amazon , we recommend buying it as soon as possible as they could run out in the short term.


Hitachi-LG BU40N Internal UHD Blu-Ray Drive...

478 Reviews
Hitachi-LG BU40N Internal UHD Blu-Ray Drive…

  • Silent Play: Reduces noise from spinning disc when playing movies
  • It supports 3D Blu-ray Disc Playback
  • Supports BDXL (100GB Triple Layer) Discs
  • Jamless Play: Smooths playback of damaged Blu-Ray or DVD discs

As for Blu-Ray discs, the developer  TheFlow  recommends using  Verbatim , if you can’t find them around you can buy a pack of 5 on Amazon at  this address .

Download: PS5 BD-JB ELF Loader .iso

Source: twitter.com