PS5 Release: libhijacker (source code) by Astrelsky


Following his release yesterday of a PS5 Homebrew Proof-of-conceptAstrelsky has now released the source code for the homebrew. He mentions that the repository is temporary, pending integration of the code into some wider repository (e.g. the PS5 SDK)

I won’t pretend I’m understanding what it’s doing (in particular with little to no comments in the code), but those of you inclined to do so can have a look at the link below. To summarize, the code leverages the Redis server running on PS5 to spawn a “daemon” process, which will effectively run the homebrew. This allows to run the homebrew as a separate process from the exploited stack (whether the Blu-Ray application, or Webkit, depending on the hack), a critical step to have a clean slate for the homebrew to run.

From the readme:

Project name is temporary

This repo will likely be short lived. I got tired of waiting and wanted to upload it somewhere.
Proper credits will be attributed later.

The next step for this code is, as mentioned above, for it to get integrated into a larger codebase to help with homebrew development for the PS5 moving forward.
